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My FINAL Summoning Video! - Fire Emblem Heroes Mythic Embla (Book 6)
DIABOLICAL EMBLA LUCK! 🦇 Legendary Veronica, Mythic Embla, & DSH Summoning Session [FEH]
Mythic Ashe Summoning Session! Priam, Basilio, and Flavia summoning! + Book 6 Discussion [FEH]
Fire Emblem Heroes: Legendary Veronica & Embla Summoning Session
Painful Veronica and Embla summoning session
TOO WHOLESOME AN ENDING TO TRUST | Fire Emblem Heroes Book VI Ending Movie Reaction
FEH Micaiah, Askr, Veronica & Eliwood - 'Embla, God of Closure' Book VI Final, Fire Emblem Heroes
Legendary Veronica & Mythic Embla Summoning (201 Orbs)
900+ Orb Summons, Can Vero Beat Embla???
Fire Emblem Heroes - ALL Book 6 Cutscenes Movie 4K @60FPS (FEH)
EMBLA UNTANKABLE!?! | Embla Showcase & Summons [FEH]
Using all summoning tickets at the Book VI Begins: Ash and More banner - Fire Emblem Heroes